How to manage an FTP account?
If you want to change an FTP account password, go to and enter the login details (1) i.e. the email or profile name to the user panel and the password that were set at the time of registration, and then click on the "Sign in" button (2).

Go to the FTP Accounts section in the user panel:, and click on the "Edit" button (1) in the row of the FTP account you wish to change its password.

Enter the new password twice (1) then click on the "Save" button (2).

If you want to delete an FTP account, go to the FTP Accounts section in the user panel:, and click on the "delete" button (1) in the row of the FTP account you wish to delete.
Note: The profile FTP account can't be deleted.

Press the "Yes" button (1) to delete it.