• Joomla, Mambo
    Configuration of CMSes Joomla and Mambo.
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  • PHP-Fusion, eXtreme-Fusion
    Configuration of PHP-Fusion and eXtreme-Fusion.
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  • e107
    Configuration of e107.
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  • WordPress and other CMSes for blogs
    Configuration of WordPress and other CMSes for blogs.
    Tematy: 1, Posty: 2
    Ostatni post WP cms
    autor: breadbrower Wyświetl najnowszy post
  • phpBB Forums
    Configurations of forums from phpBB family.
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  • punBB, MyBB
    Configurations of punBB and MyBB.
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  • SMF
    Configurations of SMF.
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  • MediaWiki, *Wiki
    Installation and cofigurations of scripts which include the word 'Wiki' in their names.
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  • OpenCart, Prestashop
    Cofigurations of scripts for online shops creation.
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  • Other scripts
    Configurations of other scripts.
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  • Websites on MINTME.host
    Present a website to others and make it more popular! It does not have to be your website, may be any website on Hit.ng. This topic is for promoting websites and discussions about websites on MINTME.host.
    Tematy: 1, Posty: 1
    Ostatni post WikiChain
    autor: wikichain Wyświetl najnowszy post
  • Market
    Buying, selling, exchanging; coworking, work offers etc.
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  • MINTME.host forum and websites
    Opinions concerning this forum and MINTME.host website. Your suggestions and ideas.
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  • Junk
    Refuse bin for forum topics.
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