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FAQFAQ - before you ask.
Here you can find answers for the most frequently asked questionsТемы: 1, Сообщения: 1 -
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will this site be accepting m…
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Announcements and NewsAll announcements from the administrators regarding changes, possible problems and so onТемы: 4, Сообщения: 4
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New features and updates, ver…
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MINTME.host SupportHere you can report problems you faced while using Server.trading services (websites, FTP, email, control panel etc)Темы: 1, Сообщения: 1
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Discussions regarding MINTME.hostQuestions about Server.trading and its services. Do not report your problems here!Темы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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Websites estimation on MINTME.hostHere you can show your website (finished and ready to be estimated only!) to other users and estimate websites (from 1 to 10 points). Please read Rules of this section before proposing your website for estimation.Темы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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Advertisements on MINTME.hostEverything related to advertisements on MINTME.hostТемы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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First stepsIf you do not know how to create a new website - come on here!Темы: 106, Сообщения: 106
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Re-branding Webchain to MintM…
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PHP, CGI, SQLEverything related to script languages such as PHP, Perl, web servers, CGI, databases and SQL.Темы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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Graphics and multimediaEverything related to computer graphics and multimedia in wide meaning, including Flash technologiesТемы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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Search Engine OptimisationEverything related to Search Engine Optimisation, robots, meta tags, catalogues etc. Information on how to increase the number of website views.Темы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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will this site be accepting m…
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WordPress and other CMSes for blogsConfiguration of WordPress and other CMSes for blogs.Темы: 1, Сообщения: 2
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WP cms
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MediaWiki, *WikiInstallation and cofigurations of scripts which include the word 'Wiki' in their names.Темы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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Free chattingEverything what is not related to any other topic. You can discuss anything here.Темы: 33, Сообщения: 34
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test mintme host
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Everything related to computersSoftware and hardware - games, programmes, OSes, reparation and constructions etcТемы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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Websites on MINTME.hostPresent a website to others and make it more popular! It does not have to be your website, may be any website on Hit.ng. This topic is for promoting websites and discussions about websites on MINTME.host.Темы: 1, Сообщения: 1
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MINTME.host forum and websitesOpinions concerning this forum and MINTME.host website. Your suggestions and ideas.Темы: 0, Сообщения: 0
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