Які ІТ-послуги ми пропонуємо?
We offer complex services for our users, such as:
- Professional IT services: we can help you solve all your problems related to e.g. websites, increasing the security of your data and many others - just save your time and delegate some tasks to professionals.
- Making websites and online stores: We are able to design and develop every website. No matter how complex your project is, our professional team will create a website especially for you.
- Website maintenance: our team of experts can keep the track of all the important updates and apply them for you. You don't have to worry anymore about the outdated CMS, plugins, and themes on your website or lose your precious time updating them all.
- Virus Removal: if you noticed strange files appearing in your FTP directories, the amount of resources used by the server is growing at an alarming rate, or Google marked your website as harmful with the notification: "The site you want to visit seems suspicious and may not be safe", we will help you with it!
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization): let us help you improve your website's position in Google, Bing, and other search engines.
You can find prices for mentioned services on the hosting offer page.
If you are interested in our services, please contact us using one of the methods described in this article.